Episode #2 - Duty Based Ethics (also known as deontological or non-consequentialist ethics)

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In this our second revision podcast we've created a quick, under 5 minute, summary of duty based ethics. We look at it's advantages, disadvantages and its applications in healthcare. For more information on the topic visit our website: https://www.healthcareethicsandlaw.co.uk/intro-healthcare-ethics-law Or on social media: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/healthcare_ethics_and_law/?igshid=znwsjiusjakl Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/healthcareethicsandlaw Twitter: https://twitter.com/HealthcareEthi1


Episode #1 - Consequentialist and Utilitarian Ethics


Episode #3 - Nudges in Healthcare and the Ethical Issues Surrounding Them